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TC Arbace - Author

Hello there!
I am a 37 year old  writer, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a wife. 
My constant search for new ways of expressing my creativity has led me to writing.
I have loved reading since I can remember, but I never had the courage to write something of my own because I was afraid of trying something that was so far away from the career I had chosen. Recent years have taught me that failure is part of the progress and I decided to give writing a chance.
So now I write about what I love most: achieving a positive mindset, children's books, traveling, and decorating to name only a few.

How it all begun


My writing journey begun in the spring of 2021.

I was searching for ways to express my creativity for years and had tried different crafts before. But writing was never something I thought I would ever have the courage to do.


My educational background is in the engineering field, but in school I had also been passionate about reading. At the end of high school I made a more practical career choice which led to a job in engineering a few years later.


After  I became a mother I started reading a lot of personal growth books and parenting books as I wished to be the best parent my child could have. 


And when the second child arrived I was already in a phase where I needed a change in my life. Turning back to my previous job didn't seem so appealing anymore so I searched my mind and soul to see what else I could do to support my family.


The idea to write came to me quite fast, very natural and so I didn't give it a second thought and begun documenting on the subject.


Since then I have been constantly researching, learning and creating content. 


If you got this far with the reading I hope I have convinced you to take a look at my publications and hopefully you will find here what you need.



My goals


In terms of goals and aspirations I wish that my writing will only get better, that my work will be appreciated and help or entertain as many people as possible.


I always think of my children when creating the children's books and journals and I want to create something that supports these future adults in becoming confident, creative, happy individuals.


I put a lot of myself in the books I design for adults because my self-empowering and self-growth journey took a lot of time and I want to help others find their inner strength and pursue their dreams, no matter how big or scary they seem at first.  



University Degree in Industrial Engineering


Master's Degree in Graphics Engineering and Industrial Design

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